Stick Has Instructions?
Several years ago, I bought my wife a stylus to use when operating her phone. She thought it was stupid but later found out they were handy and cut down on errors by pinpointing what you were doing. I think she lost it because I can’t imagine another reason to need a new one (What, did you wear it out?). But the new one came with a “Quick start guide”. Really? Uh… It’s a STICK. One of the steps in the guide is to “personalize your stylus”. If you’re curious, that means remove the pocket clip. You can also “register your stylus”. That must be what happened to the last one. We never got it registered. The book not only has a “Specifications” section, it also offers “Support”. Again, it’s a stick! The safe and skillful operation of a stick has been with us for thousands of years. Once you’ve mastered Stick, you can move on to Fire or Rock or even Hunt.
Clearly this is not the kind of manual you can just toss aside. While the book is 8 pages, stick with it until the end. You’ll be glad you did. And don’t let this book fall into the wrong hands. With a stick and the manual, hackers can… uh. At one point, on a trip, my wife was trying to do something on her phone without the benefit of the stylus (don’t say stick) so I bought here a pen that retracts and leaves the stylus tip there for you to use. Maybe this is an Android thing. She will NOT use my Apple iPhone in my car without the stylus. You should hear the swearing when she tries. If you think I’m making up this Quick Start Guide for Stylus, here you go. With 4 different languages to choose from. I can’t show you the inside. You don’t have clearance for that kind of tech.