My wife and I live on several wooded acres so it surprises me every time we BUY trees.  At Christmastime, my wife insisted on buying a couple of evergreens for the yard because I had always decorated a couple of blue spruce trees in our yard.  I didn’t understand why we couldn’t just decorate one of the existing pine trees.  How silly of me?  We need NEW blue spruce trees.


Now that her buildings have arrived, one for the horses and one for the cats and some storage, I’m told they get too much direct sunlight where they are on the property so we need a shade tree.  Seriously?  There are hundreds of trees here but we had to go buy a shade tree.  I spent 2 hours last night digging the hole for a root-ball the size of a Volkswagen.   I wanted to get it planted last night because I knew more rain was on the way.  Digging holes for trees really sucks but it sucks more to do it in the rain.

Loading the tree at Meadows Farms

She also bought some other kind of tree I’d never heard of.  Something called a Flamethrower Redbud.  She was all excited that they had one at Meadows Farms nursery.  I’m told this thing changes colors like that aluminum Christmas tree at your grandmother’s.  We’ll see how that goes through the seasons.

I’d like to say, “We are DONE buying trees now”, but I’ve seen this movie before.  There will be more.  I know there are more holes to dig for some kind of flowering bushes around the patio.  There’s something she likes called Abelia.  They smell good and grow like crazy.  I might as well start digging the holes for those while I’ve got my shovel out.  The tree I planted last night has ONE job.  Just to shade the window and maybe part of the roof of this shed to keep it from being too hot in the summer.  So far it’s a twig but hopefully it will grow big, and strong and fast.

Shade Tree

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